With RFK Jr. heading up HHS, America will become healthy again!
Bonus footage! Listen to The Highwire's Del Bigtree ream Main Stream Media a new Butthole.
DOGE Has Big Balls! DOGE HAS EXPOSED THE MOST CORRUPT ORGANIZATION IN US HISTORY!Sanders and the rest of the corrupt Democrats right in front of their faces! Secret JFK tapes! Did LBJ hire a hit man to assassinate JFK?
President Trump is delivering on his promises and the corrupt left is shaking in their boots! Watch Bobby Kennedy Jr. flip the script and expose Bernie Sanders and the rest of the corrupt Democrats right in front of their faces! Secret JFK tapes! Did LBJ hire a hit man to assassinate JFK?
Inauguration has finally arrived, but will a pastors premonition come true, or will it be thwarted?
I see disbelief, confusion and bewilderment by liberals and the left.
They are asking; How this could happen? Why did a majority of Americans vote for Trump?
Well, I took the liberty to explain the reasons as to why more than half of the American people voted for Trump, as written by General Mike Flynn.
I hope this enlightens you.
The Rise of Independent Media and the Death of Main Stream Media
The people woke up and stopped listening to the lies and propaganda of main stream media and sought their news from honest independent media and chose a leader who puts the people first.
The government gives billions of dollars to foreign countries, but gives breadcrumbs out to Americans in crisis and then turns away aide from locals.
The left has created a huge mess and there will be a huge clean-up when they are gone.
We all know by now that Big Pharma, Big Tech and all the Big entities have captured the media and control the narrative for main stream media including the music business.
Did you know you can look up your batch to see how bad it was?
Illegals Invading A Home Near You
JFK Jr. endorses Trump, and that's got the lefty idiots crapping in their pants.
Deep Dive Radio Season 2 Episode 1
We at Deep Dive Radio are proud to announce our new series for Season II, aptly named The Speak Easel Pundits !
Episode one is called "COOL SHIT"
These episodes feature dialogue at my bar called The Speak Easel by me and an occasional guest where we of course using our sage knowledge solve all world problems.
Public Announcement I
Exciting Changes for Deep Dive Radio
Was Thomas Mathew Crooks the lone shooter that day?
There were cell phones with cameras everywhere that day with video coming in every day ,and now there is evidence that there may have been multiple shooters.
Just who was the person on the water tower? And why is the main stream media ignoring it?
Luckily, we have citizen journalists everywhere!
This is the story of the people responsible for the assassination attempt on president Trump.
For the past 8 years, the Biden regime and the left wing Marxists have advocated for violence against Trump and his supporters. They called for violence and instigated the rhetoric to send a message to "Take Trump Out"!
They now have Blood On Their Hands!
Amazing that a lone sniper was able to position himself on a rooftop just 152 yards from where Trump was speaking. And what's more, there were people who spotted the sniper and were trying to alert the police about it minutes before it happened.
This testimony from Dr. Charles Hoffe I suspect will change your view on vaccines forever. Spread his message far and wide!
A reminder to what Independence Day is all about, and a lesson for the people that may not know it's meaning. This is for you.
The Declaration Of Independence as narrated by Alan James July 4, 2023
This is the story of the last human alive who leaves a message for the next inhabitants of planet Earth.
An expert in everything financial, Martin Armstrong reveals what his computer Socrates is predicting for the upcoming presidential election and beyond.
Recently there was a hearing by the house oversight sub-committee where Dr Fauci was questioned about his totalitarian policies during the Covid crisis. We have Dr. David Martin's to thank for pointing out that there was one very important piece of evidence that was curiously not questioned during the hearing. We present that missing evidence for you right here.
An insight into how our constitution was destroyed by a corrupt government, and a man who is persecuted for trying to save it.
In part one I singled out just one hypocrite Chris Cuomo, but I think it's only fair that I include all the rest of the criminals who lied to us and then had the balls to try and shame us, and now those same bastards are trying to take credit for exposing the truth that we were screaming out for four years!
Doctors, alternative media and victims of the mRNA jab were called out and attacked viciously by main stream media and characters like Chris Cuomo, and now that he has been vaccine injured, he wants to take the high ground, Well, F_ _ _ you Chris!
You owe all them all an apology and you need to stop telling lies and give credit to the people who were telling the truth from the beginning. You can start with the vaccine injured!.
Deep Dive Radio turns one. Actually, we turned one on April 17th, but because we've been so busy putting these episodes together for you, we lost track of time.
As the saying goes. " Better Late Than Never"
Have you noticed the changing faces in your home town?
Next time you're in the laundry mat or grocery store, take a look around and ask the following question. Are these the same faces that were here 5 or 10 years ago?
Chances are, the answer is no.
An expert in everything financial, Martin Armstrong reveals what his computer Socrates is predicting for the upcoming presidential election and beyond.
In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Kelly Victory and we discuss the Code of Medical Ethics, and how it was ignored during the Covid debacle!
In this episode we explore the evolution of Artificial Intelligence, and what we discovered will frighten you to your core.
Thanks to Del Bigtree and the Highwire, we finally get to the bottom of the mystery of Chem Trails and Con Trails!
Unless you've been sleeping under a rock, you know that many of millions of people worldwide were injured or died by the mRNA pseudo Covid vaccine.
DDR interviewed a nurse whose life was dedicated to helping others, only to be vilified after being injured by the jab.
Deep Dive Radio challenges you to give up your cell phone for a day and maybe forever!
In this episode, we take a Deep Dive into Time. Does Time really exist?
A man named Neale Donald Walsch asked God that very questions.
Listen to what God said about Time!
Recently, I sat down with Dr. Jessica Rose an immunologist and independent researcher, and we discussed a paper she coauthored calling for a moratorium on the Covid mRNA injection. It was the first published paper accepted by a major medical journal, and then mysteriously and in her words, “unethically retracted”. I smell a rat!
In this episode we explore who Saint Patrick was and what Saint Patrick's day is all about.
In part II of my interview with Dr. Thorp, he talks about how he was fired for telling the truth about how the mRNA jab was killing his patients and their babies.
Hospitals that cared more about money than the lives of babies!
During the last four years, Scientists, Doctors, and Journalists were all censored and vilified for speaking the truth.
Here we take a listen to these people at a recent round table hosted by Sen. Johnson courtesy the film crew at Del Bigtree's The Highwire. This was not covered by the Main Stream Media, but it should have been!
Everyone knows by now that masks don't work for viruses because the virus is too small, right? Wrong!
There are still plenty of morons out there that are still wearing masks!
After the bogus $3.5 million fine and 3 year ban on Trump doing business in NYC, The Truckers are retaliating with their own ban on NYC!
MEET YOUR REPLACEMENTS! Here we take a look at the illegal immigrants once they arrive in a town near you, and how the demographics have changed drastically in less then your lifetime.
Deep Dive Radio explores who is behind the illegal immigration.
The Answer will shock you to the core!
In Part 2 of Invasion America we take a close look at the invasion at the wall and address the possibility of a civil war.
Texas and 25 States vs the corrupt Biden regime.
We have an invasion happening right under our noses, but most people are unaware!
The news media is playing it down and our government is hoping we are not paying attention to the fact that YOU ARE BEING REPLACED!
My eye witness account of J6 and bonus documentary "J6 A True Timeline by Open.Ink
Martin and I discuss the Biden Crime Family and widespread government corruption.
Also, Martin says money was moving before the Ukraine and Israel wars began, suggesting that Ukraine and Israel knew war was coming well in advance but did nothing to stop it. …and you’ll be shocked to know the reasons why!
Martin Armstrong and his computer Socrates are forecasting a major event for Russia on May 7, 2024 and this may not be good news for the rest of the world!
Dr Hadar talks about removing heavy metals and other toxins from your body for maximum health. She is the director of Functional Medicine at The Wellness Company and a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
A Deep Dive Radio production documentary about the crimes committed against humanity and how we must never let this happen again, because they will most likely try it again in the very near future. Do Not Comply This Time!
Here I sit down with Dr. Thorp (OB-GYN) who sees up to 8000 patients a year, and discuss how he risked is career by exposing the lies and corruption from the regulatory agencies that harmed or killed many pregnant women and babies during the COVID crisis. He says, "The Government Knew the Vaccines Were Deadly all along and bribed agencies to lie about the safety of the vaccines and then tried to have the evidence buried for 75 years.
I sat down with independent pharmacy owner, Dr Robert Seik, and talked about the monopoly that corporate pharmacies have for prescription medicine, and why the independent Pharmacies like his have to be creative to compete.
In this episode, I sit down with down with Yale professor and epidemiologist Harvey Risch and discuss the proper management of a respiratory pandemic.